The following are rehabilitation exercises to help you recover faster and prevent re-injury.

Deep Cervical Flexor Nod On Wall

·         Standing with back on wall, fest out just slightly

·         Engage lower abdominal drawing belly button in towards spine

·         Slide the back of the head up the wall maintaining contact

·         Stop as feel stretch at back of head or when eyes reach horizontal plane

·         Hold 10 secs and  then relax back to start position

·         Stop if exacerbation pain

Cervical Extension

·         Look up above head as far as pain or stiffness allows

·         Return back to neutral and repeat

·         Repeat every hour

Cervical Flexion

·         Look down far as pain or stiffness allows

·         Return back to neutral and repeat

·         Repeat every hour

Cervical Rotation

·         Turn head as far as pain or stiffness allows

·         Return and repeat on the other side

·         Repeat every hour

Cervical Side Flexion

·         Tilt head to side as far as pain of stiffness allows

·         Return to neutral and repeat on the other side

·         Repeat every hour


Upper Trapezius Stretch

·         Use opposite arm to gently pull the head to the side

·         Keep looking straight ahead

·         Keep shoulder down on stretching side

·         Repeat every hour

Levator Scapulae Stretch

·         Look down to opposite hip

·         Gently pull the head to the side and down to the hip

·         Keep shoulder on stretching side down

·         Repeat every hour

You’ve just had a deep tissue massage, so you may be sore for a day or two. However, keep doing the stretches to ease the pain. Use a heat pack for 10 minutes if needed


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