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HIFU – High Intensity Focused Ultrasound



Introducing HIFU, the breakthrough treatment that harnesses the power of high-intensity focused ultrasound to revitalize your skin and restore its […]



Introducing HIFU, the breakthrough treatment that harnesses the power of high-intensity focused ultrasound to revitalize your skin and restore its youthful appearance. HIFU is a non-invasive procedure that targets deep layers of your skin with precision, stimulating natural collagen production and providing remarkable skin tightening and lifting effects.

Ultrasound is a form of energy that is significantly different than light such as IPL and Lasers or Electrical (Radio-Frequency) energy. HIFU offers an alternative to laser, IPL and to a surgical facelift.

HIFU uses ultrasound to safely stimulate the collagen and lift and tighten the skin. HIFU is non-invasive, no needles or down time and FDA approved. Is is designed to specifically improve the condition of the body and face improving the appearance of lines and wrinkles which was only possible before with surgery.

HIFU, protects the skin surface while it penetrates deeply into skin and superficially at the same time, it will heat the SMAS up to 60℃~70℃. Thermal heat is created in the skin tissue creating both spaced ‘wounds’ and cellular friction. This heat energy raises thermal coagulation point and is a much higher temperature than that of Radio Frequency penetrating to a deeper depth which promotes healing immediately and contracts collagen and stimulates a rapid production. This will continue over the next 6 months with the skin continuing to lift and tighten with results lasting years.

Plasma Fibroblast is a revolutionary cosmetic treatment which offers an alternative to invasive surgical procedures. Fibroblast delivers results which rival surgical procedures, but with minimal downtime and without having to go under the knife!

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