Myofascial Cupping Therapy

Myofascial Cupping Therapy


  • Myofascial cupping is a safe intervention into soft tissue by creating negative pressure or suction on the skin. The approach uses plastic or glass cups: when the pressure in the cup is reduced either by heat or suction, it pulls up underlying tissues, blood, and fluids close to the surface of the skin. In the myofascial release treatment, therapists concentrate on the myofascial area where it feels stiff and fixed, called “trigger point” by checking under light pressure.
  • The cups are applied on affected areas and moved around in a gliding motion. In order to move the cups easily and smoothly, oil is applied previously. Then cups are placed on the skin where the tender muscles are, where the trigger points are, and where the acupressure points are, to release fascial pain.
  • During the cupping process, blood is drained from vessels and into the tissues through cupping. The body believes that it’s been injured, so in theory it stimulates a positive inflammatory response to mobilise antibodies against the area to cure it.
  • There are 2 types of cupping, the first one is dry cupping which is a suction-only approach, another one is wet cupping involving both suction and controlled medical bleeding. Also, the cups can be made of glass, plastic or silicone, and some of them have squeezable bulbs at one end, some have a manual pump attached to create suction.


Our body’s fascial tissue is the connective tissue which is made up of elastin, collagen and a polysaccharide gel-like substance that is called the ground substance. This connective tissue creates a three-dimensional web or netlike system throughout the entire body, and this fascial system supports, protects and connects every muscle, nerve, organ, bone and every cell in our body. This three-dimensional weblike tissue system is alive and changes as the body demands. The fascial is like a tight and strengthening sweater which, if restricted in a certain area, will cause change of movement patterns in other areas of the body. This in turn can lead to pain or joint compression or injury. Myofascial release techniques aim to release tension or pressure of fascialrestrictive patterns in order to regain normal range of motion and body function. 

Fascia is made up of 2 main parts:

  • Cells (fibroblasts mostly)
  • Extracellular matrix
  • The cells are important but we are more concerned about the extracellular matrix.

Advantages for chronic pain

  • Essentially, the cupping therapeutic benefits have been verified for many years. The treatment has been developed in reducing in pain intensity and disability.  Moreover, it reduces the recurrence rate of pain therefore enhancing quality of life.  Nowadays, cupping is an integrative therapy in modern medicine which can combine with healthcare plans for chronic pain.
  • Besides that, cupping therapy warms up the surface temperature of skin and diminishes systematic blood pressure.
  • Consequently, cupping therapy plays a crucial role in addressing chronic pain, as a popular modality, for instance nonspecific neck pain, low back pain, shoulder pain, knee osteoarthritis. It can also increase pressure-pain thresholds.

Other benefits of myofascial cupping :

  • Stimulate blood flow
  • Drain lymph and cellular debris
  • Separate layers of connective tissues
  • Relieve tightness
  • Relieve deep muscular tissues and ease muscle spams
  • Develop range of movement and flexibility in joint


30 minutes 45 minutes 60 minutes 90 minutes 120 minutes
$75 $95 $109 $155 $195


08/31 Black Street, Milton, Queensland, 4064

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