Does Cupping Therapy Work?

What is cupping therapy?
Cupping therapy involves placing cups – made by either glass, plastic, or silicone – on the problematic area which creates suction that pulls against the skin. Researches have claimed that cupping therapy can help increase blood blow, release fascia and connective tissues. Cupping also works by creating hyperemia or hemostasis around the person’s skin.

Cupping therapy is effective to treat:

  • Pain Management: The common benefit of cupping is local pain relief and muscle relaxation. As cupping can enhance overall health by removing energy blockages to the flow of healthy energy. Cupping is also proved to be good analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
  • Scar Tissue: the cupping therapy can bring blood flow and nutrition to the affected area which is useful in myofascial release. The cup can more effectively grip and lift the scar tissue and prevent it from adhering. Increased blood flow allows the body to dispose of toxins, restores lymphatic drainage, and helps eliminate edema (excess fluid), which helps decrease the appearance of scarring
  • Blood Disorders: By placing cups on skin, connective tissue, it increases blood circulation. Also researches claim that cupping therapy can be effective in aiding the excretion of excess heavy metals from the blood. Heavy metal accumulation in the body contributes to lipid, carbohydrate, enzyme, and DNA functions being damaged. That means the cupping therapy has a substantial effect on the blood level of toxic metals by removing these hazardous agents from the blood. Focused blood flow helps the body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system which is responsible for eliminating body’s toxins and waste.
  • Rheumatic Disease: cupping therapy is used to reduce inflammation associated with fibromyalgia and arthritis. That also can help to heal affected area and prevent future discomfort in order to increase range of motion. By lifting up the skin, the fresh infusion of blood will fill the space between the skin and muscle which can help reduce swelling and eliminate the toxins away.
  • Anxiety: When the cupping is being glided around the skin with myofascial release techniques, the parasympathetic nervous system engages. This may develop deep relaxation to move entire your body as the parasympathetic nervous system is responsible for slowing the heart rate, assisting in digestion and increasing intestinal and gland activity.
  • Develop range of movement and flexibility in joint: cupping therapy generates effective manipulation of physical structures including fascia, skin, and musculocutaneous tissues, increases the neurophysiological activity at the level of nociceptors, the spinal cord, and other nerves, and ultimately leads to significant relaxation. That will enhance the mobility and also flexibility.
  • Drain lymph and cellular debris: By creating suction and negative pressure, cupping therapy is used to soften tight muscles and tone attachments, loosen adhesions and lift connective tissues, bring hydration and blood flow to body tissues, and drain excess fluids and toxins by opening lymphatic pathways. Also, cupping stimulates the skin by increasing circulation while separating fused tissue layers and draining lymph to promote a smooth appearance and healthy glow.
  • Migraines: Cupping therapy performed on the forehead, cheekbones, and base of the neck results in relaxed muscles and increased blood supply. In a way, it is reversing exactly what causes migraine pain.
  • Lung disease: Cupping therapy works because it aims to loosen the congestion and fluids from your lungs so that the body can safely expel them. Congestion (the build-up of fluid or phlegm in lungs) caused by a cold, bronchitis, or even asthma can be treated with cupping. The suction from cups breaks up and expels congestion.


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