Queensland Road map to Easing Restrictions

Road map to Easing Restrictions Queensland - Le Spa Massage

Based on the Road map to Easing Restrictions, which shows that the massage therapist will be capable to re-open in STAGE 2 (12 JUNE 2020) associate with COVID SAFE CHECKLIST with 20 people permitted at any one time. Also, the number of people will increase up to 100 clients at a time in STAGE 3 (10 JULY 2020)

For the record, QLD government has allowed the beauty therapist with the COVID safe checklist reopen in STAGE 1 (15 MAY 2020) with no more than 10 people at any one time. Furthermore, in 22 APRIL 2020, the Queensland Government approved that the remedial massage and myotherapists are permitted to work in Queensland.

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